Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Happy New Year

At night,
I was looking at the stars.
I started looking carefully,
And a star caught my eye.
It was glittering the most,
But, when I look ahead,
It was a part of a group (a pattern).
And I thought,
That how other stars helped it to glitter the most.

Before I could look ahead,
I thought,
Am I like a star?
Who also sometimes shines the most.
But, how can I shine the most?
With the help of those people who came into my life.
Sometimes they gave me the sadness,
Sometimes they gave me the happiness.
Some people came,
Some people have gone.
And now when I look back,
Everyone has made a contribution (directly and indirectly)
That was worthwhile.
Everyone has taught me a lesson,
Everyone has given me a reason,
To laugh, to read, to love, to talk, to get inspired, to get strong.

And now I would really like to thank you all who have been a part of my life. I couldn’t be able to shine the most, if I wouldn’t be a part of your group. I know we have met for a reason and I found it. It would not be such a wonderful year if you all have not been a part of it. 
I know that I made some mistakes, maybe I have hurt you, so for that I am sorry. 
I don’t know whether I have made a contribution in your life or not, but still I want to thank you all.
So, thank you so much
I hope that the coming year brings loads of happiness and success in your life and if I would be a part of it I can contribute something that will be worthwhile.
Stay Blessed! Stay Happy! Happy New Year!