Saturday, 16 June 2018

Bhagavad Gita

It’s not important
who has written this,
or how many times
it has been written.

It’s not important
whether it is
a fiction,
or a reality.

It’s about simple quotes
that are being delivered
through ages. That brings
positivity and provides serenity.

But, I could see some
who deny reading this
because of criticizing and questioning
whether God exists?

But, what if,
I tell you to forget
whether God exists
and read this.

What if, I tell you,
that you have something around you
powerful that tells about your
life’s simple meanings.

What if, I tell you,
renowned people and artists
follow this
and deliver their best work of art.

What if, I tell you,
these quotes, if understood,
have answers
to all your questions.

And I assure you
my friend’s sayings
will give you a
new vision and hope in your life.

Friday, 15 June 2018


It’s not about
who earns more.
It’s not about
who is more talented.

It’s not about
who is more intelligent.
It’s not about
who is more knowledgeable.

It is about
trust, understanding
love and respect
in every relationship.

I know it’s easy to say
but difficult to follow.
But, I know it’s not fictional,
it’s a reality.

Oh my dear friend!
Just remember
those who understand this
they live a contented and a blissful life.